Why is this always happening to me?!

Do you say this a little more often than you’d like as you look around for someone to blame?

We’re taught that someone is always at fault.

There’s always a good guy and a bad guy in every story.

But is that true?

What if we changed the words blame + fault to responsibility + accountability.

Maybe you think they’re not much better!

If I feel back into my 30-something self about 15 years ago, I cringed at those words, too.

I wouldn’t have admitted it back then – much less consciously realized it – but being responsible for my words and actions was not something I wanted.

It felt like a lot of pressure.  

We are all categorized by the labels we create for one another – and ourselves!

Being responsible for the inferred expectations of all of those labels made me feel like I was bound for failure. There was no way to live up!

And I was right… but that’s another post.

Are you taking personal accountability in your life?

Quick quiz!

  1. Do you keep attracting the same type of people in your life who end up treating you with disrespect?
  2. Do your relationships end with integrity or in pain caused by either you or them?
  3. Do you constantly feel like life is happening to you as if you have no control?

If you answered yes to any of these, you have a lack of personal accountability.

Most of the time we play the victim in a situation because we don’t want to look at how what we did/didn’t do/say contributed to the very thing that caused us pain.

But what if I told you that looking at it and making a slight correction could keep you from future pain? Would you be willing to look at it then?

Acknowledging your part in a situation won’t out you a bad person. It makes you human.

Personal accountability isn’t something you do after the fact.

It’s how you respond to every single circumstance in your life.

It’s more about making the decision about who you want to show up as in life so when the situation comes up, you already know how you will respond.

It’s about taking reaction out of your communication style.

Personal accountability is an approach to life.

Once you start this, you will realize very quickly just how much power and control you have in your life to create the outcomes you want.

It breaks you of the you-against-them mentality that keeps you stuck.

It allows you to have more compassion for yourself and others.

Want less drama in your life?

Live consciously.

Choose intentionally.

Be accountable for your actions.

Do what you say you’re going to do.

Reflect on:

  • What does personal accountability mean to you?
  • Where in your life do you have a lack of accountability?
  • What could you do differently in certain areas to have better outcomes?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! 





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